Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good Old Days

My colleagues and I have recently gotten in the habit of walking for some time after we have our lunch. The conversation varies from office talk, movies, family, upcoming personal events and what not. Today, two out of five in our group couldn't come with us, and that left three of the most talkative people in each other's company. Trust me, we CAN TALK!!!

I don't know who started it, but we started talking about our school days and about the things which seemed so mundane at that point in time. The craze about having fancy pencil box. There was a time, you could only have a plastic pencil box, which was later updated to disney pencil box. I remember I created quite a scene to have a pencil box with white bottom and sky blue lid with pretty Daisy Duck on it. Oh! it was such a pretty little thing! Of course higher classes demanded 'geometry box' and nothing less than 'Nataraj' would do :) . It is a pity, if you have an older sister or brother, you have to make-do with hand-me-downs. Then there were pencils, which had fancy caps on them, I remember one which looked like a hand! How can we forget fountain pens and very strict instructions from parents to not lend it to anyone else, as it would hamper your own handwriting. The list goes on.....

The best part about today's lunch and post-lunch conversation was all of three of us are from different cities, different backgrounds, and have some age difference, yet we all were able to understand each other perfectly. One would start describing the object and the other would end it and then there would be squeals of laughter!

Never thought I would remember those things so fondly. And have company in doing so :) . Good old days ,they sure were, my school days.