Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just a little...

I am not even going to recollect the last time I promised myself that I will be more active on my blog. A phone call from Narender yesterday and the mention of my blog, made me come back here. A lot has happened from the last time I wrote something. Losing a job, gettting the same job back again, getting married in between the chaos, becoming a part of the long distance relationship era, quitting my job and finally coming to Ireland for a while. Yes, a lot has happened.

For a person, who for almost 27 years of her life, didn't really have any household duties to cater to, this break came as a surprise. I was a little jittery, didn't know whether I would be able to cope with it. And when it's just the two of you, the real side of your companionship is put to test. So far, so good. Whenever, I stumble across a block, I have Amit, my in-laws and parents and of course, my sister guiding me through. Who says a 9-5 job is all there is to a job. To take care of a household, all by yourself is a mammth task and not an easy one to that.. Hats off to all the women who are home makers and who also work outside. Hats off to my mom and mom-in-law who have been doing this for the last 30-35 years and hardly ever complain. Five months here and I have got a hang of all the duties. Cooking doesn't petrify me even more. I have even graduated to throwing little parties, where the entire onus is on me and I love it.

I always read of places which are so beautiful tha you will forget to breathe and years later to actually see such places is mind boggling. I never get tired of saying so. The weather, however, is a bit of a problem, especially if you aren't fond of rains and cold, all that much. Barring that, what a place. So for now, here I am, in between jobs, in a new place, savoring what all it has to offer and waiting for what next life has to offer...