Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not that easy...

You can look at a glass, either half full or half empty. Depends on your way of looking at things and apparently this simple answer decides whether you are a pessimist or an optimist. But is it so simple? Is life either black or white? Aren't there many grays? I would like to think that the glass is half full, that should make me an optimist. I don't think so.... There are so many other things which come to a person's mind.

According to me, it is impossible for a person to be positive all the time. I see many good things happening in my life, but it doesn't stop me from thinking about things which can be better, rather aren't going so well. I wake up every day, with a different outlook. "Look at all the good things in life, forget the rest. Time, hard work, perseverance will take care of things", I am told. I would like to believe it in. For most of the part, I do.. but then, I am just human. I go through days when I am uncertain about what I am told. Does it always hold good?

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