Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just a little...

I am not even going to recollect the last time I promised myself that I will be more active on my blog. A phone call from Narender yesterday and the mention of my blog, made me come back here. A lot has happened from the last time I wrote something. Losing a job, gettting the same job back again, getting married in between the chaos, becoming a part of the long distance relationship era, quitting my job and finally coming to Ireland for a while. Yes, a lot has happened.

For a person, who for almost 27 years of her life, didn't really have any household duties to cater to, this break came as a surprise. I was a little jittery, didn't know whether I would be able to cope with it. And when it's just the two of you, the real side of your companionship is put to test. So far, so good. Whenever, I stumble across a block, I have Amit, my in-laws and parents and of course, my sister guiding me through. Who says a 9-5 job is all there is to a job. To take care of a household, all by yourself is a mammth task and not an easy one to that.. Hats off to all the women who are home makers and who also work outside. Hats off to my mom and mom-in-law who have been doing this for the last 30-35 years and hardly ever complain. Five months here and I have got a hang of all the duties. Cooking doesn't petrify me even more. I have even graduated to throwing little parties, where the entire onus is on me and I love it.

I always read of places which are so beautiful tha you will forget to breathe and years later to actually see such places is mind boggling. I never get tired of saying so. The weather, however, is a bit of a problem, especially if you aren't fond of rains and cold, all that much. Barring that, what a place. So for now, here I am, in between jobs, in a new place, savoring what all it has to offer and waiting for what next life has to offer...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


After months of hibernation, suddenly I remembered, "Oh my God!!!, I have a blog and it's my space to write what I want to"..well I still hesitate, a wee bit, come on, trying hard to get rid of that feeling.

While I wanted to read the comment from my friend on my earlier post, which by the way was hilarious, in it's own way, I came across another blog to which I am subscribed. A little background on that - it was started by one of my lecturers from the University who wanted to see the lazy bums in her class to get a little active, if not anywhere, at least online and thus, the blog was born.

Needless to say, I have never, ever written a single entry on that blog, of course while in the Univ., did muster courage to comment on somebody else' post. I know, what a sissy. Anywhooo, happened to take a look at it right now. The latest entry on that blog was a year and a half ago and another friend commented on the same five months ago :D .

I have mentioned in my previous post as well, I am in love with my alma mater, mostly because of the flora and fauna that I used to get to see. While reading the above mentioned post, I was made aware of the fact that the greenery, the beautiful water-bodies are drastically receding. They are cutting down trees big time. The last I visited the Univ. was two years ago and I always yearn to go there and see everything, which was so special and vital for me for two years. It is very sad to know what I cherish about that place is no longer there. I guess memories are all what I will be left with. I actually am glad I didn't get a chance to go there. For me, I would like to remember that place the way it used to be, so close to nature.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I got my answer in a day. It always, always holds good. As difficult and hopeless, a situation looks, something good does come out of it. No questions/doubts/concerns about it anymore :) :). I had read a long, long time ago and I strongly believe in it ,"The two most powerful words in the world are, 'Faith' and 'Wisdom'." Got another reason to believe in it even more strongly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not that easy...

You can look at a glass, either half full or half empty. Depends on your way of looking at things and apparently this simple answer decides whether you are a pessimist or an optimist. But is it so simple? Is life either black or white? Aren't there many grays? I would like to think that the glass is half full, that should make me an optimist. I don't think so.... There are so many other things which come to a person's mind.

According to me, it is impossible for a person to be positive all the time. I see many good things happening in my life, but it doesn't stop me from thinking about things which can be better, rather aren't going so well. I wake up every day, with a different outlook. "Look at all the good things in life, forget the rest. Time, hard work, perseverance will take care of things", I am told. I would like to believe it in. For most of the part, I do.. but then, I am just human. I go through days when I am uncertain about what I am told. Does it always hold good?

Friday, January 9, 2009

A new day has come

A little late to write this post, but better late than never. A new year, new aspirations, promises, dreams and a whole lot of things. Quite an eventful and important year in my life.

A little note on the year which went by. Eventful in its own way. Not a good start to the year,an all time low and gradually things kept getting better and better. Roses to conversions to loved ones getting married... what a year! Lost some , found many ... Helping a friend e a life-changing decision is one of the proudest moments for me of 2008!

Looking forward to the new year. At winter's end.. waiting for flowers to bloom..waiting for the year to fulfill a long cherished dream :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing makes any sense at all.. lets talk

I was trying to figure out what to do with my time, while I was listening to this song by Cold Play.'Nothing makes any sense at all.. lets talk'. I mean not necessarily if you talk , you can make sense of things. Just started thinking about things. At times, when you are trying to make sense of a situation and you start talking, it doesn't seem to help. You seem to be saying something, the other person interprets it in other way.. which brings me back to the question, does talking help all the time, or do you need silence as well to make sense of things? After all, silence is golden.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good Old Days

My colleagues and I have recently gotten in the habit of walking for some time after we have our lunch. The conversation varies from office talk, movies, family, upcoming personal events and what not. Today, two out of five in our group couldn't come with us, and that left three of the most talkative people in each other's company. Trust me, we CAN TALK!!!

I don't know who started it, but we started talking about our school days and about the things which seemed so mundane at that point in time. The craze about having fancy pencil box. There was a time, you could only have a plastic pencil box, which was later updated to disney pencil box. I remember I created quite a scene to have a pencil box with white bottom and sky blue lid with pretty Daisy Duck on it. Oh! it was such a pretty little thing! Of course higher classes demanded 'geometry box' and nothing less than 'Nataraj' would do :) . It is a pity, if you have an older sister or brother, you have to make-do with hand-me-downs. Then there were pencils, which had fancy caps on them, I remember one which looked like a hand! How can we forget fountain pens and very strict instructions from parents to not lend it to anyone else, as it would hamper your own handwriting. The list goes on.....

The best part about today's lunch and post-lunch conversation was all of three of us are from different cities, different backgrounds, and have some age difference, yet we all were able to understand each other perfectly. One would start describing the object and the other would end it and then there would be squeals of laughter!

Never thought I would remember those things so fondly. And have company in doing so :) . Good old days ,they sure were, my school days.