Monday, August 11, 2008

Rains, rains go away!

It has been raining mercilessly for the past one week in Hyderabad. God seems to be lashing out on this city for some reason. And worst of all, lesser mortals like me, have to come to work on a rainy day. why God, why??? Okay the melodrama aside, I am not a huge fan of rains. I can look at them from my window, nestled under a warm blanket.But to go out in rains. Blimey!!!!!
It's been a while since I have seen sunshine, and I almost feel like Jaadu of Koi Mil Gaya, screaming "dhoop" , "dhoop". :)
Also, writing this post on a Monday afternoon, Imagine!!!
I hate mondays, they symbolize the fact that there has to be an order in life, every day can't be a sunday, and you need to get out of your bed and earn your bread and butter.So, view this, torrential rains, Monday , a sleepy me, 5.30 is faaar faarr away... and no sunshine .
Thinking of a song, and waiting to sing it when the rains leave... "I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!!!"


Am said...

i swear...too much of rain....
I just hope its SUNNY tomorrow!!!!!

spilledbytes said...

wah wah..
by the way, this is a comment on the comment, not the post..

sonia said...

hahahaha . hahahaa I got that!! :)