Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just One Left.

Now this is truly sad. My fish. There were so many of them and now just one remains :(.
The second last one died last night. It had better chances of surviving as it had grown bigger. Alas! I have left all hopes of the last one survining, it is very small and will not be able to survive the summer. I have another fish, gouramis, a very strong fish, but I don't really like it all that much.( I wasn't sure about getting it home, but I did). Hence for me keeping fish as pet ends here.
I had always wanted fish in my home. The first recollection I have about throwing a tantrum for having a fish to take home goes back to Kashmir. I must have been three or four ( some things you remember quite vividly, not matter how old they are), I had gone to the market with my grandmother. She needed to buy vegetables and I guess fish for dinner. So, I kept pulling at the corner of her sari, and asking her to buy me a fish. She kept telling me that she was buying fish for dinner and I kept telling her that I didn't want to eat it, I wanted to keep it. This went on for more than half an hour, I guess. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, neither could the shopkeeper and my grandmother asked him to give a fish to me. Picture this, a four year old with hands as small as they can be ( if you want to know, how small my hands were then, you can still look at them, they never really grew, they are still very small :) ), tryin to hold a slippery fish. The fish, whose size was bigger than my hands( 0bviously!), kept slippping from my hands and as it was a live one(:) ), it was jumping everywhere. I dropped it in the mud several times, picked it up again and yes this scene went on for some time, till Amma got vexed with me and my silly tactics, snatched the fish from me, got a tumbler from somewhere and put the fish inside and off we went home.
I was very excited, I had a fish! we got the fish in the afternoon and I was allowed to keep it only in the bathroom, so every ten minutes, I would head to the bathroom, to see whether it was live or not. Also, meanwhile, I had my lunch, afternoon nap and a lot of other things.Come night, the fish curry is being cooked and I go to the bathroom to check on my fish and to my utter shock, it's gone! I run everywhere to ask about the fish and everybody gives me the same answer, that it died while I was sleeping ( I actually bought it , I was small with no brain at all, you know).

Sigh! All my other attempts to convince my parents to buy me a fish went futile. They would never hear of it. I did once convince my sister to buy me one , but she said the bowl would break in the auto and we would come back with my father the next day to get it ( I am still waiting for that day!)
Finally, last year I got a pair of gold fish as a gift. My happines knew no bounds.I finally, finally had proper gold fish as pets! However, one died in a week. I was so crestfallen that it was replaced by another gold fish the same day. Now, you have to know about this fish. My room mate and I christened it Oliver ( people who are laughing, can stop reading this post). It was some fish.The most active fish, I ever saw. Even after it's partner died , it was blissfully happy to be lonely. It would know when it was time for it to get food. A very , very beautiful fish. It couldn't survive last year's summer as well. It died the night I was at my friend's place. I really liked it. After keeping away from getting anymore fish home, after a couple of months, I did get many and some of them gave babies. Around thirty to be precise. From that thirty, just one has left. If it survives , it would be nice, but from now on I am never going to keep fish as pet. It is very painful to see them die. A pet is a pet, however small it might be.


spilledbytes said...

We had 2 fighters long back.. had kept them in the same bowl.. and realised within hours why they are named so... :)

anyways, when the last one goes, we will go to mainland china.. and order for whole bhetki :D

sonia said...

Really!!! two fighters together!what were you thinking and what was the shopkeeper thinking from whom you got them? :)

:( mazaak.. meri fishies ka aap mazaak uda rahe ho! But we will go to Mainland China, hehehe :)

Am said...

thats a good idea....
but on a serious note...a minute of silence before you having anything in Mainland China :)

sonia said...

Of course your advise will be kept in mind and a minute of silence will take place ... as if!!!!