Saturday, March 15, 2008


I used to hate going to school as a kid.I mean really, really hate. And as I used to stay with my grandmother and Uncles', it was very easy to convince them to let me stay back. :) So, some days would start like this, "Amma, can I please stay back today. I promise I will go tomorrow" . I was around four , quite plump and I knew how to convince her and my Uncles'. I would just look at them with a very sad face and beg them with my eyes, tears almost about to fall. She never thought more than a second from saying yes :) . And days when they used to convince me to get ready for school, I used to get ready with a heavy heart. The small bag propped on my shoulders, my hand quietly put in my Uncle's, I used to start with him for school. There were days I used to start crying the moment we used to step out of house and I used to be brought back home. There were days when crying wouldn't be of any use, and I had to walk to school. My Uncle would carefully avoid looking at me and my silent tears , he would buy me chocolates which I would throw. At the school gate, I would look at him and tell him,"Bhaiyya, my stomach hurts, it really does, I can't sit in the class. The pain is unbearable, can we please go home, please? " Of course it never did hurt , but I just didn't want to go to school and yes he would bring me home. And of course, there were days, we would enter the school, enter the class, he would help me sit in my chair, neatly put the bag beside me and the water bottle, and wave me good bye, with a promise of being outside the class before the home bell.He would go out side the class and stand near the window, pleading me with his eyes to stop crying. I used to make it so difficult for him to leave me there.

All that changed after I went to stay with my parents. No more excuses, no more tantrums.School was school and I had to attend it, come what may :) Last night I suddenly remembered how much I used to hate going to school and how my Uncle and grandmother had to put up with it.

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